Well, Sam reached 80. T made it to Northrend and is now able to send herbs to Sam for Inscription.
What now?
For most people, goals seem to be like this:
1: Reach level cap
2: ???
3: Epic Lootz!
However, we all know that's not how I roll.
I've got a great deal of character building planned out. After all, that's why I started this adventure.
My current priority is to "finish" Sam. This involves:
1: Finish all Northrend quests. Not just for the loot and gold, but for the fun of it all. WoW has such an amazing lore that I can't NOT do this. I am Chris Metzen's bitch.
2: Along with #1, obtain Loremaster of Northrend, as I previously explained.
3: Max Tailoring, make Ebonweave and Spellweave "sets".
4: Max Inscription
5: Finish of any Reputations I want. Wyrmrest is currently top of the list.
From there, I'm not sure where I'm going. I'll run the odd instance, but I won't actively seek out PuGs. *Shudder* Maybe a lil PVP in Wintergrasp or Battlegrounds. I'm still considering going full Loremaster.
Since I've gone through all the trouble of getting T to Northrend, I might as well get him to 80 while I'm at it.
I'm also getting back into the Shaman groove with Haddar. I'd like to get a healer leveled for when Dual-Specs go live.
Now all I need is to find the time to get all this done. I've got this "blog" thing taking up all my time...
Thoughts on the Upcoming Raid Renown
4 weeks ago
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